Friday, February 14, 2014

I married the man who:

I married the man who:

took the time to tear down the wall and get to know the real me

still tells me I'm beautiful

gladly samples all my kitchen experiments - they aren't all homeruns!

thinks its cute that I do old lady stuff like gardening and sewing

does everything in his power to help me with Elsie, and knows when I need a break

understands that it's hard living so far away from "home," and does everything he can to send me there as much as possible

doesn't care if the house is a wreck because he knows that usually means me and Elsie had fun playing all day

gladly turned the AmEx back on when I shopped so much they thought the charges were fraudulent and turned it off

works tirelessly to enable me to be at home with Elsie

kisses me goodbye every morning - unless I'm snoring, because that means I'm worn out and he doesn't want to risk waking me

is the most amazing father imaginable

loves animals as much as I do

still gives me forehead kisses

loves me unconditionally, even when I'm being a brat

makes hard decisions for our family, like saving our cat when the vet bill was almost as much as a mortgage payment

is okay with the fact that said cat now has to eat $40 catfood

still writes me sweet notes

has seen me ugly cry more times than he should have to

tells me he loves and appreciates me, and recognizes how tough my job can be

helps me host parties and dinners, because he knows I love having a house full of loved ones

gladly spent many nights in the guest bed so I could snuggle with the dog instead

knows exactly what I need him to say and when

loves my family

knows that I suck at writing sweet letters but appreciates the effort

cried on our wedding day

always says "yes" when he knows something is important to me

knows that when I'm cooking, he better get the hell out of my kitchen

takes my call when he's at work, even if it's something stupid like me not being able to figure out the coffee grounds to water ratio

was incredibly patient with my pregnancy insomnia crazy

is incredibly patient with me in general

will spend all day out on the boat with me because he knows I enjoy it, even though he's not a "sunshine all day person"

was so amazing in labor and delivery that the nurses told him he could work as a labor coach

will sit in the car with a sleeping baby for an hour because I need to run into a store "really quick"

is my everything and a whole lot more, just as I am his

Happy Valentine's Day to my boo


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Elsie's Second Birthday

I’m back! More on my blogging hiatus later – maybe.

WARNING: this is long. and sad.

Elsie’s second birthday was, to date, the absolute worst day of my life. I spent the day trying to be happy and celebrate the life of my baby, all while being completely devastated over the loss of another baby. Our beloved dog B, aka Big Mama, went to doggie heaven Tuesday night – it was completely unexpected and all too sudden.

People are asking what happened, and I can’t talk about it. I just can’t. So I’ll tell everyone on here instead.

B and I went full circle in our relationship. I loved her from the day I met her. In Kennesaw, I often got long lunch breaks and I would spend them at Ben’s house, napping with B. We were the best of buddies until shortly after Elsie’s birth. She had a hard time adjusting, and developed a mass cell tumor on her ear. She wouldn't listen, she acted out, she had accidents in the house, and she was pretty much unbearable. We've since learned that the tumor most likely released toxins into her body, which is what caused her to be so crazy.  In turn, I was crazy too. Hormonal exhausted Momma and a naughty dog – I wanted her gone. It took a while to save the money for the procedure, and during that time I did a lot of complaining about B. I didn't make it easy on Ben at all.

We finally got her all fixed up, and she settled into her new role as big sister – she became another Momma to Elsie, so much so we started calling her Big Mama. We were best friends again.  We even worked out our sleeping arrangement which meant Ben, most often, spent the night in the guest bed to accommodate B and I snuggling in our bed. I’m so thankful we made up and got back to normal. Better than normal. B loved me more than anyone in the house, and she was crazy protective of Mom and little sister. I can’t put into words how happy I am that our relationship came around and was better than ever. I know the big sister transition was hard on her and I truly did everything in my power to make sure she knew she was loved. I’m so glad I did. I now realize just how much of my day I spent giving her attention and loving on her.

Everything was perfect with B until shortly after Christmas. I noticed blood in her urine. Thank God for snow, I would've never known anything was wrong. She spent 4 weeks on antibiotics for a bladder infection. Everything was good again. Until around this time last week. I noticed she was a little mopey and lazy, and I thought she just needed a little extra loving, which I gladly gave her. I also thought maybe she was just cooped up, we all are. It’s a long winter. Monday morning I noticed more blood. Tuesday morning I dropped her off at the vet with the assumption we would send off a urine sample to determine the correct meds. She spent all day at the vet, and they found that the problem most likely wasn't her bladder.

Around 6:00 I went in to talk with the vet about what she’d found.  It may be cancer. She wanted to do a full ultrasound so get a better look, and said we would have to come back around 8 to transport B to the emergency clinic for the night. Then, we’d get test results in the morning and determine a course of action. B had started bleeding internally; it’s most likely that during the exams something ruptured that caused the bleeding. We had hopes it would fix itself. Best case it wasn't cancer and there was a surgical procedure that could get her fixed up in the morning.

We went to hang out at Ben’s parents’ house and wait. They were nice enough to help with Elsie so we could go back and transport her to the ER vet alone. There, I got a call from the vet. The ultrasound showed a lot of masses and fluid, I mean a lot. So much so that she couldn't even find B’s kidneys. There’s no way this wasn't cancer. It had rapidly spread and taken over all her insides. With the cancer alone, she would've had a few more days or weeks to live. However, the internal bleeding has worsened and B was very weak and pale. Most likely, she wouldn't have lived through the night. The whole way to the vet Ben and I both knew what we’d have to do, but didn't say it out loud.

When we got there, the vet carried B into the room and she was happy to see us, but she was so weak and pale that she just wasn't there. After seeing her, I know for certain she wouldn't have made it through the night. My heart completely shattered as Ben and I loved on her and said our goodbyes. We made our decision; B had to go to doggie heaven that night. I gave Ben a minute alone with her and talked to the vet. She then agreed that B wouldn't have made it over night. I think she just didn't want to influence our decision. Saying goodbye to B was the hardest thing I've ever done. We love her so dearly, and like all our animals she’s a child to us. I know in my heart she knew what was happening, and she knew it was her time. She couldn't have gone out in a more peaceful way. She was in my lap with her head on my chest, frequent snuggle position and her favorite place to be, while Ben and I pet her and told her we loved her. She went with love and dignity and I know for certain we did what was best for her. I can’t imagine the pain she’d been in. Just a few days before she was playing fetch with Elsie in the house. It must’ve taken a lot of strength for her to play with her baby sister, but I know she wouldn't have had it any other way.

It’s been so hard. I didn't sleep at all that night. I’m used to having her in the bed with me. The next day, Elsie’s birthday, was very emotional. Letting out one dog instead of two, seeing two dog bowls, her empty spot on the couch, trying to take a nap in an empty bed, and the quiet, quiet house – it was just too much. I cried all day. Then Ben got home and we cried together, more than once. I cried this morning when Elsie and I got home from school. Coming home is hard – she always greets us at the door, tail wagging, and so excited I can barely get into the house. For now, I think I am out of tears. Needless to say, a big piece of our family is gone. I’m so happy she had such a good life, she was loved. We already miss her terribly.

So...with all that’s happened, I don’t think Elsie had a great birthday. Her best friend is gone. No cake. No ice cream. No present, even. Ben and I were going to go pick up one together and everything with B happened instead. Thank God she’s only two, and she doesn't know her birthday from the 4th of July. We are having a birthday re-do on Monday, Ben is taking off work and we will spend the day doing something fun and celebrating our girl. My “birthday redo” post will be much happier, I promise!

 To Big Mama, thank you.

til next time,