Thursday, October 29, 2015

How Donald Trump Lost My Vote in 3 Minutes

Let me begin by saying, I am a Mom. I am an Autism Mom. And right now, honestly, that’s pretty much all I am.

I pour every particle of my soul into raising my tiny human to reach her fullest potential.

But, you know what? I'm a lot of other things, too. I am a woman. I am a woman of God. I'm educated. I'm smart. I'm well spoken when I need to be. I care about people. And children. And stray puppies. You know what else?

I have a voice.

I'm furious. I'm so mad I'm having a hard time focusing in on what I'd like to type.

The whole reason I started this blog-ish thing was because I have a lot to say. I want to be heard. It if goes somewhere and a lot of people see it, great. If it's only seen by a handful of relatives and high school acquaintances, that’s great too.

I’m only one vote.

Before the last presidential debate, I'll be honest: HUGE Trump fan. I don't care that he's a bit classless at times, or says distasteful things about women. I couldn’t care less whether or not her hurt Megyn Kelly’s feelings. She’s beautiful and smart and talented and she’s also a big girl & I’m pretty sure she can handle herself, ok? I don’t particularly feel strongly about what he says about Rosie O'Donnell. I find it a bit entertaining, really. I like it. He's harsh and brazen and brutally honest and doesn't care if people don't like it. I like that. I'm into that.

The Unites States government, by many accounts, is a business. Our economy is struggling as are many of our people. Trump, by all accounts, is an intelligent business man. A genius businessman. He's created successful companies and earned a lot of money. Great! He can fix our economy. Sweet. Sign me up! Where can I get a Trump t-shirt? Does he know everything about war and struggle and what to do in military situations? No. But that’s okay.

I'll listen to the experts, he says.

Well, no he won’t.

I'm mad.

If you’ve been living in a cave for the last 25 years and have no idea why I'm upset, please use your brain. Get on Google, type in: Donald Trump autism debate. Read some articles and come to your own educated conclusion.
Or just go to the end of this and look at the related articles, I already did the work for you. I even made it fair and balanced by including Fox AND CNN. You’re welcome. J

Donald Trump had a platform. A big one. And instead of using it for good and win people over, people like me - he put his foot in his mouth. He put it in his mouth so far it came out the other end. He was asked a question he wasn't ready for and he messed up. If he doesn't have PR people, he needs them. If he does, he needs to fire them and get new ones.

Here are a few really great things he could've said:
- You know what, Dr Carson just proved me wrong. Gracefully, I’d like to admit I should better educate myself on this issue. I’ll do that and then get back to you.
- The bigger issue at hand is the fact that many Autistic children don't get the treatment they need and deserve, because our system is fundamentally messed up.
- Many children are left behind because schools are forced to conform to a system that just doesn't work for all of them. Common core is stupid. So is No Child Left Behind, if I'm being honest. Many children are, in fact, left behind.
- Educational, mental health and disability issues are something this country needs to put some elbow grease into. In fact, so are our children. You know -the future of the world.
Food insecurity affects *16.2 million children. OUR children. Children living in the United States of America. The future leaders of the free world. How is one supposed to become a leader of the world with no food to eat?
In my state alone, more than *half a million children don’t know where their next meal is coming from.
Children at my daughter's school. Children at your kids' schools. Why are we handing out so much "free money" when our own children are starving? I plan on fixing that.


Any of those answers would’ve worked for me.


Children. Everything sweet, innocent, pure and mushy-gushy in the world. OUR children.
Instead of saying something epically awesome and meaningful, he put his foot in his mouth. Instead of gracefully admitting his defeat, he continued to shove his foot down his throat so far it came out the other end.

Dr Ben Carson is a world renowned pediatric neurosurgeon. In case you’re an idiot, please let me simplify this for you.

World renowned = super important

Pediatric = babies, kids

Neurosurgeon = BRAIN SURGEON

He's spent a large majority of his life studying, researching and by every account becoming an EXPERT on the brain.

In case you need a tiny bit more help:

Ben Carson = super important smart brain guy who knows exactly what the f*k he’s talking about.

He’s literally cut apart kids’ brains, and put them back together better than the way he found them.

*I’m pretty confident he gives a shit about our babies, btw

But wait! Here you are, Mr. Trump. Mr. I'm smarter than him continuing to try and prove him wrong. Wait, what? What happened to Ill listen to the experts!

"You're an okay doctor."

If you're not going to take advice from a brain expert on matters of the brain…why would you take advice from anyone else?
From military experts?
From struggling families?
From those without jobs?
From those with disabilities fighting for the rights they inherently deserve as citizens of this country?

From women like me who are just a Mom. With just one vote?  

life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

You may be a genius businessman who can fix our economy. You may, potentially, be a great President of the United States. You may be on TV, on a platform, in a suit that costs more than my house but you're an idiot.

Dr Carson is too classy and respectful and Godly to say that out loud and in public. I’m not. You’re an idiot, Trump.

You had an opportunity to do something awesome and meaningful and you blew it. And for that reason, I don't care what you say tonight. You already lost my vote. 


Disclaimer: You may not agree with me. That’s ok. Please use your own brain, do you own research, and “make the correct decision after getting the real facts.”


Related Articles:

*Where my fancy numbers came from:

**another disclaimer: I know the background is messed up. I don't care. My daughter is asking me for "Mommy snugs," so I'm gonna go do that.



  1. He lost mine a long time ago.......

  2. So it's okay that he says terrible things about other people, just not when he says them about your cause? This is only one of the many issues he's been clearly uninformed and yet extraordinarily opinionated on. I think it shows a distinct lack of empathy that you were okay with his previous bigotry and misinformation until it affected you directly, and I hope that you take time to think about how his (and Ben Carson's) other stances might affect people other than yourself.

  3. It actually doesn't affect me directly. Ny child is fine. I don't really care what he said about Autism either.

    I don't really have a cause. I write about Autism because it concerns my family.

    My point is this: if he won't listen to a brain expert about the brain...why will he listen to a military expert on military operations? or teachers about educational issues? He just proved he's not willing to listen to the experts.

    This whole post is about people other than myself. (the poor, children, elderly, disabled, etc..) I am very fortunate in that my husband and I do very well. Our family is doing just fine. Unfortunately many others' families are not okay. (i.e.: 16 million children don't know where their next meal is coming from).

    P.S. I never said who I was going to vote for? This article is about Trump - because I no longer trust him. And Carson, because he was the one who helped prove that Trump was unwilling to listen.

    Thanks for taking the time to comment! I look forward to future debates. Still trying to figure out who I like.

  4. sweet kid crushed s pop tart over my computer. damn kids. :)
