Monday, February 27, 2012

Just A Few...

reasons why my little girl is so perfect!!

(not an all inclusive list, of course - it would take me all year to write that one)

- she makes the funniest faces
- she loves to snuggle
- as long as her belly is full, she's happy as can be...wonder where she gets that from?
- she has "Johnson feet" (her second toe is longer than the others)
- she's fuzzy like a little monkey. I know its just baby fuzz and it'll fall out eventually, so I'm  enjoying it a little extra
- Areas that are perfect for kissing: her soft spot (fits my lips just perfect!), her chubby little cheeks, her chin...and her 2nd chin, too! :)
- She sleeps for 4 1/2 hour stretches through the night
- when Ben puts his face right up to hers, she tries to suck on his nose
- almost every time he touches her with his beard, she sneezes
- when her belly is full, she smiles in her sleep
- she is sooo good when we leave the house - haven't done it often, but enough to know she's soo good!
- her blue eyes are sooo huge! I am hoping they stay blue
- she is just like me. More on that subject when I eventually write about her birth. :)

Ben: "She's kinda like her Mom...if all her needs are taken care of she's pretty great company. Otherwise, it's gonna get loud." true :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I can't believe my sweet girl is TEN days old!! These ten days have been a whirlwind - I plan to write about it all. Next week. For this week, Ben is on vacation and I am forcing myself to sit still and enjoy our time together. That's much easier said than done, not the enjoying our time part, the part about sitting still. I can't stand for things to be out of sorts! I keep reminding myself that the mail (serisouly, I have a pile of 3 weeks worth of mail), laundry, dishes, and everything else can wait. They'll still be there later but my sweet girl isn't always going to be this snuggly and tiny. Today was our first day where we weren't busy with dr appointments and errands, or with Ben dealing with work and school. It was amazing!

For today's adventure, we did newborn photos. For the first half, Elsie was a little stinker. She peed on Ben twice, pooped on me twice, pooped/peed on 3 blankets and the carpet. Our photographer even stepped in Elsie's pee. LOL! After the first half, she went to sleep and she was a perfect super model. I'm sure most of you have already seen this preview: Jen Thompson Photography


The photographer we worked with takes beautiful photographs. I can't wait to see the rest.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Final Countdown!


Doesn't get much more real than that!
 As of last week's appointment I was told to take it easy and stay off my feet as much as I could. As of Tuesday, I was told not to do anything! She didn't use the term "bed rest" but said that other than showering or making myself some food, I am not supposed to me on my feet at all. So...I guess that's bed rest, right? Not sure. I have to go back to the Dr tomorrow for a non-stress test. She said whether I'm induced or go into labor on my own - I definitely won't make it to my due date! matter what my girl will be here in less than eleven days!! 11 days!!!! I am hoping that if she comes during non-business hours that it'll be this weekend bc my Dr is on call all weekend.

Being lazy hasn't been that bad so far. I thought I'd be a little more stir crazy but I'm too tired to do anything anyway. The baby's room is perfectly organized and ready to go, which is the only one that matters. Last night my SIL and BIL came over and cooked us dinner, and brought Elsie some cookies. :) My animals won't leave my side.

yesss, we love Mom's bed! Our bedroom tv was the smartest purchase ever
- one of our Christmas presents to each other
Ben rented me 5 movies. I started with Dolphin Tale. I don't care if anyone makes fun of me, I might be slightly obsessed with dolphins. And I might have cried during almost the whole movie. :)

Hopefully next time I post something the baby will be here!!!


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Worst Preggo Brain Moment of All Time

Wow. This is embarrassing. I'm wayyyy pregnant, so whatever.

Let me just say - I call my husband at work every day. He works long, busy days. Sometimes he has 5 minutes to chat, sometimes he doesn't. Usually it's just a "hey, how's your day?" or "you'll never believe what the cat just did" or just something to try and give him a little break. Sometimes, like today, I need help with a serious dilemma.

Let me just start with my defense:
- A few years ago, Ben's cousin introduced us to the Keurig. It's been life changing. Thanks, Sarah!
- I don't drink coffee every day, so if we're out of K-Cups I just go without or on a weekend Ben will make a pot. I literally have not made a pot of coffee in at least 2 years.

This morning I call Ben's office:

- This is Ben
- hey, gotta sec for your wife?
- Are you in labor?
- No
- I guess, what's up
- I need your help with something, but please don't laugh. It's so confusing and I'm having a major preggo brain moment right now
- I'm trying to make coffee, and this is so confusing. It says you put in 1 tbsp for 6 oz of water, my measuring cup says 8oz is a cup and I have 7 cups...but, I already put 2tbsp in there...please figure this out for me..
-Why do you have 7 cups? You're not gonna drink 7 cups
- I know, that's just how much water I poured in the pot and it seems like easier math
- ok, how much coffee is in the filter?
- 2 tbsp
-no, like an inch? two inches? why are you using tablespoons? It’s not as complicated as you’re making it
- about a fingernail, I guess 1/4th an inch?
- pour out all that water and put in like 4 cups, then just use the coffee you have in the filter already

- <I forget it's plugged into the wall, pick up the pot to dump the water in the sink, and spill water everywhere. Then the water gauge gets all foggy but I can tell there's still 6 cups-ish and I'm not attempting this mess again>

-soo, you said 6 cups of water and how much coffee??
- why 6 cups? <I explain what just happened> What if I worked in production or something and you couldn't just call my office and ask me this kinda stuff??
- Well, I guess I would just drive to the gas station** and buy some
- <makes an intercom sound, now making fun of me> Ben Wood, you have a phone call. Your wife is trying to make coffee
- not funny, Ben. This is so confusing; this is the worst preggo brain I've ever had. I really can’t figure this out
- You have no idea how patient I am. Tell ya what, put in about another spoonful of coffee grounds, make what you have and if it's not good then just go to the gas station and buy yourself some coffee, ok?

WOW. Love him

It tasted just fine. After I put in sugar and creamer you can’t really tell how it tastes anyway so I don’t know why I was so concerned with doing it right. Whatever. Thanks, babe!

**disclaimer on my gas station: It's really amazing**
Outside of our home, not a lot of excitement goes down in Central Minnesota. understatement of the century When you get a brand new gas station at the end of your street, it’s a big deal. For my Southern friends, it’s like a small version QT - you know, the giant ones with like a thousand options for coffee, cappuccino, slushies, etc….It’s a tiny version of that:  it has a milkshake machine, a variety of flavors of fountain syrup that you can put into your coke, a pretty solid ice cream selection, and live bait. Now we don’t have to drive across town for wormies when we go fishin this summer! Yessss!! It's .8 miles away and we're genuinely excited about this summer - strapping the baby into her stroller, and walking down there for milkshakes. It’s amazing. Seriously, y’all please come over so I can take you to my gas station! Haha